IT drifting tar stadig mer tid og ressurser både på arbeidsplassen og hjemme på datarommet. Her finner du kurs og opplæring i innen IT-sikkerhet inne områder som for eksempel nettverk og systemadministrasjon. Typiske temaer er; brannmur, antivirus, datagjennvinning, intranett, IT-strategi, TCP/IP osv. Ta gjerne kontakt med oss hvis du ønsker et skreddersydd tilbud for din bedrift.
In this learning path, you practice deploying containers, container orchestration, and managing clusters on Azure Kubernetes Service.
We provide online course about AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator. This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites.
We provide online course about AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies. In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain the security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools.
We provide online course about AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals. This course will provide foundational level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure.
We provide online course about AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (includes labs). This 2-day course is identical to the 1-day M-AZ-900T01 course. However this course lasts two days because of the hands-on parts. This course will prepare students for the same exam AZ-900!
We provide online course via SAP about BC100 Introduction to programming (with ABAP). Goals: Learn simple ABAP code - Trace the flow of a program and troubleshoot simple problems.
We provide online course via SAP about BC401 ABAP Objects. Strengthen your ABAP skills by gaining a full understanding of the use of object-oriented programming techniques, and how to apply them practically in your ABAP applications.
Goals: Explain what is SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform Manage content and objects in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Organize objects Secure users and groups Manage and secure applications Distribute content to users
We provide online course about BOE320 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: Administering Servers. Course based on software release: SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2.
This 5 day instructor-led course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and in-depth knowledge needed to create SAP BusinessObjects universes using the SAP BusinessObjects Design Tool.
We provide online course about BOW310 SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence: Report Design. Goals: Manage personal and corporate documents to access the information you need, when you need it - design your own reports using Web Intelligence and share your analysis with other users.
We provide online course about BW305H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: BW Query Design. Please register for BW405 as the course to provide an overview of query design for both SAP BW powered by SAP HANA and SAP BW/4HANA.
We provide online course about BW310H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Enterprise Data Warehousing. This course will prepare you to work with Data Warehousing Workbench and SAP HANA Studio to set up different data models.
We provide online course about BW405 SAP BW/4HANA Query Design and Analysis. This course provides an overview of SAP BW4/HANA, and gives you the knowledge to create query definitions using the eclipsed based BW Query Designer in SAP HANA Studio, and to make them available for analysis.
We provide online course about BW410 SAP BW/4HANA Data Warehousing. The course introduces the BW/4HANA Data Warehousing. InfoProviders like Advanced DSO, Open ODS View and CompositeProvider are explained and created.
We provide online course about BW430 SAP BW/4HANA Modeling. This course is designed for users with some experience in BW/4HANA or for users who have visited BW410 and know the BW/4HANA terms and basic data warehousing tasks.
We provide online course via SAP about DBW462 Data Warehousing with SAP BW/4HANA - Delta from SAP BW 7.5 classic to SAP BW/4HANA. This course enables experienced SAP BW users, developers as well as administrators to run and work with SAP BW/4HANA.
We provide online course about DP-600 Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer. This course covers methods and practices for implementing and managing enterprise-scale data analytics solutions using Microsoft Fabric.
We provide online course about DP-601 Implementing a Lakehouse with Microsoft Fabric. This course is designed to build your foundational skills in data engineering on Microsoft Fabric, focusing on the Lakehouse concept.
We provide online course about DP-602 Implement a Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
We provide online course about DP-603 Implementing Real Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric
DP-604 Implementing a data science and machine learning solution for AI with Microsoft Fabric
We provide online course about DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure.
We provide online course about E2E040 Manage digital transformation with SAP Solution Manager. This course will provide you with an overview of the key value chains and the underlying Application Lifecycle processes of the SAP Solution Manager platform.
We provide online course about E2E600 SAP Solution Manager 7.2 for SAP S/4HANA Implementations. This course will prepare you to: Learn how SAP Solution Manager 7.2 helps your business to transition to SAP S/4HANA, while ensuring 24/7 system stability.
We provide online course about GRC100 Principles of SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance. This course provides foundation knowledge for SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) 12.0.
We provide online course about GRC300 Access Control Implementation and Configuration. In this course, you will get deep Implementation and Configuration knowledge about SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance Access Control.
We provide online course about HA400 ABAP Programming for SAP HANA. In this course, you learn how you can use SAP HANA and new features in the ABAP programming language to optimize existing ABAP code and to develop innovative ABAP applications to enhance your business.
We provide a blended virtual course about ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
We provide online course about ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
We provide blended virtual course about ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
We provide online course about ISTQB Advanced Test Manager. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
We provide blended virtual course about ISTQB Agile Tester Foundation. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
We provide a blended virtual course about ISTQB Foundation. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
We provide a blended virtual course about ISTQB Mobile Application Testing. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
Vi tilbyr kurs i ITIL® 4 Foundation som e-læring. Målet med kurset er å gi deg en forståelse for filosofien bak ITIL®. Kurset gir innføring i basis konseptet, prinsippene, prosessene og funksjonene som er definert som beste praksis. Kurset forbereder deg til sertifiseringseksamen på Foundation-nivå.
Vi tilbyr kurs om ITIL® 4 Foundation. Kurset gir deg en grunnleggende innføring i ITIL® beste praksis rammeverket versjon 4. Kurset gir innføring i basis konseptet, prinsippene, prosessene og funksjonene som er definert som beste praksis.
Vi tilbyr kurs om MS-102 Microsoft 365 Administrator. This course covers the following key elements of Microsoft 365 administration: Microsoft 365 tenant management, Microsoft 365 identity synchronization, and Microsoft 365 security and compliance.
Vi tilbyr kurs om MS-4006 Copilot for Microsoft 365 for administrators. This course begins by examining the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 design.
This course is an introduction to ABAP programming on any ABAP platform.
This course follows on from the Basic ABAP Programming course. In it, you will use analysis and test tools to investigate ABAP code.
We provide online course about S4F10 Business Processes in Financial Accounting in SAP S/4HANA. Participants of this course will gain an overview of the Financial Accounting capabilities of SAP S/4HANA.
We provide online course about SM100 SAP Solution Manager Operations and Configuration. Goals: Understanding mandatory and managed system configuration of the SAP Solution Manager, including infrastructure.
We provide online course about SM250 IT Service Management Configuration. Goals: Describe the idea of Application Lifecycle Management and how IT Service Management is integrated in this process.
This 1-day online workshop looks at the most essential aspects of test management, such as test estimation, monitoring and controlling testing, measuring the value of testing how to perform risk-based testing effectively and when to apply test automation to projects.
We provide online course via SAP about UX410 Developing SAP Fiori UIs. This course will prepare you to: Describe design guidelines for SAP Fiori - Develop UIs according to SAP Fiori App Types - Develop custom SAP Fiori UIs using HANA Cloud Platform - Web IDE, and SAPUI5 - Enhance SAP Fiori UIs.
De fleste bedrifter i dag har anskaffet seg produktet Microsoft 365, men det er bare et fåtall som utnytter potensialet i pakken. Microsoft 365 er mye mer enn lokalt installert programvare, det er programvare for moderne kommunikasjon, dokumentproduksjon og samhandling i skyen.
Vi tilbyr kurs i Teams - Next Level. På tide å komme videre med Microsoft Teams! Ja, absolutt, på dette kurset lærer du å utnytte Teams til å samarbeide og kommunisere effektivt, redusere bruk av epost, samhandle på dokumenter m.m.
Vi tilbyr webinar om Visma Barnevern Familia - registrering av meldinger. Kurset vil bli gjennomført via linje. Dette innebærer at kursdeltaker må sørge for å ha nødvendig utstyr tilgjengelig, slik som pc med høyttaler og mikrofon.
Vi tilbyr webinar om Visma Barnevern Familia - Superbruker- opprette bruker, autorisasjon og master. Kurset vil bli gjennomført via linje. Det innebærer at kursdeltaker må sørge for å ha nødvendig utstyr tilgjengelig, slik som pc med høyttaler og mikrofon.
Vi tilbyr webinar om Visma Barnevern Familia - Rapportering til statsforvalteren og SSB. Kurset vil bli gjennomført via linje. Det innebærer at kursdeltaker må sørge for å ha nødvendig utsyr tilgjengelig, slik som pc med høyttaler og mikrofon.
Vi tilbyr webinar om Visma Enterprise Brukeradministrasjon - tips til nyttige rapporter og lesing av logger. Informasjon om pålogging blir sendt ut senest en time før kurset starter.
Vi tilbyr webinar om Visma Enterprise Brukeradministrasjon - vedlikehold av brukere og brukere som slutter. Informasjon om pålogging blir sendt ut senest en time før kurset starter.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Cortex XDR: Prevention, Analysis and Response (EDU-260/EDU-262) på engelsk. På Cortex XDR-kurset lærer studentene hvordan agenten beskytter mot utnyttelser og malware-drevne angrep.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Cortex XSOAR: Automation and Orchestration (EDU-380) på engelsk. Dette kurset vil gjøre det mulig for en SOC-, CERT-, CSIRT- eller SOAR-ingeniør å starte arbeider med Cortex XSOAR-integrasjoner.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Firewall: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) på engelsk over 10 dager. Kurset dekker det grunnleggende man må vite for å forstå Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation FireWall.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Firewall: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) på engelsk. Kurset dekker det grunnleggende man må vite for å forstå Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation FireWall.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Firewall: Improving Security Posture and Hardening PAN-OS (EDU-214). Brannmuradministratorer står nå overfor utfordringen med å identifisere skadelig programvare som allerede har infisert nettverket.
Vi tilbyr grunnkurs i nettverk og datakommunikasjon for bedrifter. Målsettingen med kurset er å gi grunnleggende kunnskap om temaet nettverk og datakommunikasjon med hovedvekt på TCP/IP og Ethernet.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Palo Alto Networks: Firewall Troubleshooting (EDU-330) på engelsk. Lær hvordan feilsøke problemer relatert til brannmuren. På dette kurset vil du lære alt om hvordan man konfigurerer Next Generation Firewall, og hva man skal gjøre dersom alt ikke fungerer som det skal.
Vi tilbyr 5-dagers nettkurs om Palo Alto Networks: Firewall Troubleshooting (EDU-330) på engelsk. Lær hvordan feilsøke problemer relatert til brannmuren. På dette kurset vil du lære alt om hvordan man konfigurerer Next Generation Firewall, og hva man skal gjøre dersom alt ikke fungerer som det skal.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Panorama: Managing Firewalls at Scale (EDU-220) på engelsk. Dette er et spesialisert kurs for Panorama management løsningen hvor man kan administrere brannmurer sentralt i stor skala.
Vi tilbyr praktisk nettverkskurs for bedrifter. Målsettingen med kurset er å gi deltagerne praktisk anvendbare kunnskaper om vanlige komponenter og tjenester som benyttes i nettverk i dag og hvordan de samvirker.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Prisma Access SASE Security: Design and Operation (EDU-318) på engelsk. Lær å sikre eksterne nettverk og mobilbrukere i skyen. Kurset forklarer Prisma Secure Access Service Edge (SASE og er et kurs for alle som ønsker å lære å sikre eksterne nettverk og mobile brukere.
We provide virtual course about Administering Splunk Enterprise Security. This course prepares architects and systems administrators to install and configure Splunk Enterprise Security (ES).
We provide virtual course about advanced Architecting on AWS. In this course, each module presents a scenario with an architectural challenge to be solved. You willexamine available AWS services and features as solutions to the problem.
We provide virtual course about advanced developing on AWS. The Advanced Developing on AWS course uses the real-world scenario of taking a legacy, on-premises monolithic application and refactoring it into a serverless microservices architecture.
We provide virtual course about Applied Domain-Driven Design in .NET. What is Domain Driven Design (DDD) really about? How might Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) help us to build better software.
We provide virtual course about Architecting on AWS. In this course, you will learn to identify services and features to buildresilient, secure, and highly available IT solutions on the AWS Cloud. Architectural solutions differ depending on industry, types of applications, and business size.
We provide virtual course about ASR9KE: Cisco Aggregation Services Router 9000 Series Essentials. The Cisco Aggregation Services Router 9000 Series Essentials (ASR9KE) v6.1 course introduces you to the features and functions of the Cisco® Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9000 Series platforms.
We provide virtual course about AWS Security Essentials. AWS Security Essentials covers fundamental AWS Cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured.
We provide virtual course about AWS Technical Essentials. AWS Technical Essentials introduces you to essential AWS services and common solutions. The coursecovers the fundamental AWS concepts related to compute, database, storage, networking, monitoring, andsecurity.
We provide virtual course about BGP: Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers. The Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers (BGP) v.4.0 course teaches the underlying foundations of the Internet and new-world technologies such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS).
We provide virtual course about CBRCOR: Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies. The Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies (CBRCOR) course guides you through cybersecurity operations fundamentals, methods, and automation.
We provide virtual course about CBROPS: Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals. The course teaches an understanding of the network infrastructure devices, operations, and vulnerabilities of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite.
We provide virtual course about CC: Certified in Cybersecurity. Course goals: After completing this course, the learners will have obtained awareness of the topics covered in the entry-level cybersecurity certification exam outline Domains, Modules & Chapters.
We provide virtual course about CCISO: Chief Information Security Officer. The CCISO Certification is an industry-leading program that recognizes the real-world experience necessary to succeed at the highest executive levels of information security.
We provide virtual course about CCNA: Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions. The Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions course provides a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers.
(ISC)² developed the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) credential to ensure that cloud security professionals have the required knowledge, skills, and abilities in cloud security design, implementation, architecture, operations, controls, and compliance with regulatory frameworks.
We provide virtual course about CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker v12. The Certified Ethical Hacker has been battle-hardened over the last 20 years, creating hundreds of thousands of Certified Ethical Hackers employed by top companies, militaries, and governments worldwide.
We provide virtual course about Certified DORA Lead Manager. Attending the PECB Certified DORA Lead Manager training course offers a unique opportunity to engage with industry experts and peers, fostering valuable discussions and insights into best practices for digital operational resilience.
We provide virtual course about Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a driving force in today’s technology landscape. Its application has spanned across numerous sectors.
We provide virtual course about CGRC: Certified in Governance, Risk and Compliance. Earn Your GRC Certification - Be a Governance, Risk and Compliance Leader! Capitalize on the rising demand for Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) expertise by earning the CGRC certification.
We provide course about CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor. CISA is a globally acknowledged certification, which builds upon the previous experience of IS professionals, to produce valuable employees who possess exceptional knowledge of Information Systems Auditing, Control, and Security.
We provide virtual course about CISM: Certified Information Security Manager. This Official ISACA Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) training course focuses on the construction, development, and governance of information security operations.
Virtual course - The Official ISC2® Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) training provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge required to effectively design, engineer and manage the overall security posture of an organisation.
We provide virtual course about CLACCM: Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control and Mobility Services. The Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control and Mobility Services (CLACCM) v1.0 course covers advanced call control and mobility services.
We provide virtual course about CLCEI: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions. This course prepares you for the 300-820 Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI) exam, which is one of the optional concentration exams towards CCNP Collaboration.
We provide virtual course about CLCOR: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies. The course helps you prepare for the Cisco CCNP Collaboration and CCIE Collaboration certifications, and advanced-level roles focused on implementation and operation of Cisco collaboration solutions.
We provide virtual course about CLFNDU: Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations. The Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations (CLFNDU) 1.0 course gives you the skills and knowledge needed to administer and support a simple, single-site Cisco® Unified Communications Manager (CM) solution.
We provide virtual course about CLICA: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications. The CLICA course provides you with the knowledge and skills required to streamline communication protocol, strengthen compliance measures and enhance your communication systems and devices.
We provide virtual course about Cloud Operations on AWS. This course teaches systems operators and anyone performing systems operations functions how tomanage and operate automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on AWS.
We provide virtual course about CND: Certified Network Defender. The Certified Network Defender v2 is a vendor-neutral, hands-on, instructor-led comprehensive network security certification training program.
We provide virtual course about CNS-225: Deploy and Manage Citrix ADC 13.x with Traffic Management. Build your Citrix ADC knowledge and skills by enrolling in this five-day course.
We provide virtual course about CNS-227: Deploy and Manage Citrix ADC 13.x with Citrix Gateway. Expand your Citrix networking knowledge and skills by enrolling in this 5-day course.
We offer virtual course about CNSE: Check Point Cloud Network Security Expert for Azure R81. The course provides an understanding of the concepts and skills necessary to deploy and manage CloudGuard Network and Cloud Security Posture Management security solution within an Azure security environment.
We provide virtual course about CNX-CFR: CyberSec First Responder. This course is designed to assist students in preparing for the CertNexus CyberSec First Responder (Exam CFR-410) certification examination. What you learn and practice in this course can be a significant part of your preparation.
COBIT 2019 Builds on, and integrates over 25 years of development in the Enterprise Governance of IT domain. COBIT 2019 incorporates new insights from science, and developed these insights into operational practices. COBIT 2019 is a major evolution of the framework, and replaces COBIT 2005.
We provide virtual course about CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+). CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) is the ideal certification for technical professionals who wish to remain immersed in technology as opposed to strictly managing.
We provide virtual course about CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+). The CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) certification verifies that successful candidates have the knowledge and skills required to leverage intelligence and threat detection techniques.
We provide virtual course about CompTIA Network+. CompTIA Network+ validates the technical skills needed to securely establish, maintain and troubleshoot the essential networks that businesses rely on.
We provide virtual course about CompTIA Security+. CompTIA Security+ Certification SY0-701 provides the basic knowledge needed to plan, implement, and maintain information security in a vendor-neutral format.
We provide virtual course about CSCGW: Cisco SIP, Cubes and Gateways. In this course, you will focus on the legacy gateway and router portions of IP Telephony. You will gain extensive experience with the configuration of legacy analog telephony technologies such as Foreign Exchange Station (FXS).
We provide virtual course about CSSLP: Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional. The training provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge required to incorporate security practices, including authentication.
We provide virtual course about CWAP: Certified Wireless Analysis Professional. Wireless troubleshooting involves knowledge of RF operations, 802.11 protocols, analysis tools (such as protocol and spectrum analyzers) and troubleshooting methodologies.
We provide virtual course about CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator. The goal of this CWNA course is to add Wi-Fi expertise to a networking professional’s skillset, while covering all CWNA exam topics.
We provide virtual course about CWS-215: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Deployment and Administration. In this course you will learn how to create a new Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) deployment.
We provide virtual course about Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Advanced Configuration and WEM Administration. Designed for experienced IT professionals, this course builds on the foundational implementation and management skills introducing scalability, redundancy, and security configurations.
We provide virtual course about CWS-415: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configuration. This advanced 5-day training course teaches the design principles for creating a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops virtualization solution.
We provide virtual course about Data Warehouse on AWS. In this course, you will learn concepts, strategies, and best practices for designing a cloud-based data warehousing solution using Amazon Redshift, the petabyte-scale data warehouse in AWS.
We provide virtual course about DCACIA: Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Advanced. The course shows you how to integrate the capabilities of the Cisco® Nexus® 9000 Series Switches in Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®) mode.
We provide virtual course about DCACIO: Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Operations and Troubleshooting. The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Operations and Troubleshooting course shows you how to operate and troubleshoot a Cisco data center network infrastructure running Cisco ACI.
We provide virtual course about DCAUI: Implementing Automation for Cisco Data Center Solutions. The course teaches you how to implement Cisco® Data Center automated solutions including programming concepts, orchestration, and automation tools.
We provide virtual course about DCCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies. The course helps you prepare for the Cisco CCNP Data Center and CCIE Data Center certifications and for advanced-level data center roles.
We provide virtual course about DEVASC: Developing Applications and Automating Workflows using Cisco Platforms. This course will help you prepare for the Cisco® DevNet Associate certification and for associate-level network automation engineer roles.
We provide virtual course about DEVCOR: Developing Applications Using Cisco Platforms and APIs. This course helps you prepare for the DevNet Professional (DEVCOR) exam. By passing this exam, you earn the Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist - Core certification.
We provide virtual course about Developing on AWS. This course includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on labs. This course teaches experienced developers how to programmatically interact with AWS services to buildweb solutions.
We provide virtual course about DevOps Engineering on AWS. DevOps Engineering on AWS teaches you how to use the combination of DevOps cultural philosophies,practices, and tools to increase your organization’s ability to develop, deliver, and maintain applications andservices at high velocity on AWS.
Vi tilbyr virtuelt kurs om DevOps Foundation. Kurset gir en grunnleggende innføring i DevOps-terminologi for å sikre at alle snakker samme språk. Kurset gir også en grunnleggende forståelse av hvordan DevOps støtter en organisasjons suksess.
We provide virtual course about DevOps Leader. The DevOps Leader course is a unique and practical experience for participants who want to take a transformational leadership approach and make an impact within their organization by implementing DevOps.
We provide virtual course about DevSecOps Foundation (DSOF). As companies deploy code faster and more often than ever, new vulnerabilities are also accelerating. When the boss says, “Do more with less”, DevOps practices adds business and security value as an integral, strategic component.
We provide virtual course about DO457: Ansible for Network Automation. This course is based on Red Hat® Ansible Engine 2.5 and Red Hat® Ansible Tower 3.2. Configure and manage network infrastructure using Red Hat Ansible Automation for Networking.
We offer course about DTCSM Cisco Customer Success Manager. The Cisco Customer Success Manager course gives you the confidence and competence to fulfil the Customer Success Manager (CSM) role successfully, helping your customers realize value from their solutions and achieve their business outcomes.
We provide virtual course about EDU-210: Palo Alto Firewall Essentials: Configuration and Management. Successful completion of this five-day, instructor-led course should enhance the student’s understanding of how to configure and manage Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls.
We provide virtual course about EDU-220: Palo Alto Networks: Panorama managing firewalls at scale. This 2-day course from Palo Alto will help students to gain in-depth knowledge about how to configure and manage a Palo Alto Networks Panorama management server.
We provide virtual course about EDU-330: Palo Alto Networks: Firewall troubleshooting. Successful completion of this three-day, instructor-led course will enhance the participant’s understanding of how to troubleshoot the full line of Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls.
We provide virtual course about ENARSI: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services. The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) provides you with the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network.
We provide virtual course about ENAUI: Implementing Automation for Cisco Enterprise Solutions. This course helps prepare you to take the exam 300-435 ENAUTO. This course also earns you 24 Continuing Education (CE) credits towards recertification.
We provide virtual course about ENC9K: Implementing Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches. The Implementing Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches (ENC9K) course provides insight into Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches and its solution components.
We provide virtual course about ENCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies. The course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks.
We provide virtual course about ENSDWI: Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions. Learn how to design, deploy, configure and manage your Cisco® Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) solution in a large-scale live network, including how to migrate from legacy WAN to SD-WAN.
We provide virtual course about ENSLD: Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks. The Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks (ENSLD) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills you need to design an enterprise network.
We provide virtual course about ENTEIT: Implementing and Troubleshooting Networks using Cisco Thousandeyes. The Implementing and Troubleshooting Networks Using Cisco ThousandEyes (ENTEIT) v1.0 course is designed to introduce you to and familiarize you with Cisco® ThousandEyes.
We provide virtual course about ENWLSD: Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks. The Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSD) course gives you the knowledge you need to design Cisco® wireless networks.
We provide virtual course about ENWLSI: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks. The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSI) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to secure wireless network infrastructure and troubleshoot any related issues.
We provide virtual course about IBNTRN: Transforming to a Cisco Intent Based Network. The Transforming to a Cisco Intent-Based Network (IBNTRN) course teaches you how the functionality of Cisco® SD-Access fits into Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA™).
We provide virtual course about DCACIA: Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Advanced. The Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure–Advanced (DCACIA) course shows you how to integrate the capabilities of the Cisco® Nexus® 9000 Series.
Vi tilbyr virtuelt kurs om IP1: generell nettverksteknologi. Dette kurset gir deg kunnskap om relevante nettverksbegreper og forståelse av protokollen som benyttes i alle nettverk - IP. Routere, switcher og lag 3 switcher er vanlige komponenter i et nettverk.
We provide virtual course about IREB CPRE Foundation Level. IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level provides you with basic knowledge in requirements management and prepares you for certification according to IREB® (International Requirements Engineering Board).
We provide virtual course about ISO 22301 Foundation. As an international standard for Business Continuity Management System, the ISO 22301 is designed to protect, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.
We provide virtual course about ISO 22301 Lead Implementer. ISO 22301 Lead Implementer training course enables you to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) based on ISO 22301.
We provide virtual course about ISO 27005 Risk Manager. ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager training enables you to develop the competence to master the risk management process related to all assets of relevance for Information Security using the ISO/IEC 27005 standard as a reference framework.
We provide virtual course about ISO 31000 Lead Risk Manager. The training course helps participants develop their competences to support an organization create and protect value by managing risks, making decisions, and improving performance using the ISO 31000 guidelines.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation. ISO/IEC 27001 provides requirements for organizations seeking to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an information security management system.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor. ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor training enables you to develop the necessary expertise to perform an Information Security Management System (ISMS) audit by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures and techniques.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Implementer. The training enables you to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining an Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27701 Lead Auditor. The ISO/IEC 27701 Lead Auditor training course enables you to develop the necessary skills to perform a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) audit by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures and techniques.
We provide course about ISTQB Acceptance Testing. Gain essential testing skills and build your career with this industry standard qualification for software testing professionals from the International Software Testing Qualifications Board.
We provide virtual course about ISTQB Acceptance Testing. Gain essential testing skills and build your career with this industry standard qualification for software testing professionals from the International Software Testing Qualifications Board.
We provide virtual course about ISTQB Advanced Level Technical Test Analyst. Improve your ability to evaluate technical system attributes. Differentiate your skills by developing an internationally accredited advanced technical competency.
We provide virtual course about ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst. Build upon your Foundation-level skills with advanced test design techniques learnt with real-world emphasis. Plus, benefit from our free exam revision sessions.
We provide virtual course about ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer Certificate. Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to guide a test automation project, and differentiate yourself in one of the fastest growing areas of Software Testing.
We provide virtual course about ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager. Build your test management skills. Move into a more senior role as a testing professional. Plus, benefit from our free exam revision sessions.
We provide virtual course about ISTQB Foundation v4.0 Certificate. In the ISTQB® Foundation v4.0 course, you will learn how to apply test principles and control your own test activities using test processes and methodologies that are globally recognised as best practice.
We provide virtual course about ISTQB Security Tester Certificate. In this ISTQB® Security Tester course, you will learn how to plan, perform and evaluate security tests from a variety of perspectives, including policy, risk, standards, requirements and vulnerability.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Foundation - 2 days course for ITIL experienced. The ITIL® (4) Foundation “Pro” is a 2-day classroom room based on the exam specifications specified by AXELOS for the ITIL® (4) Foundation certification.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Foundation in english. The ITIL® (4) Foundation is a 3-day classroom room based on the exam specifications specified by AXELOS for the ITIL® (4) Foundation certification.
Vi tilbyr kurs om ITIL® 4 Foundation som virtuell undervisning. ITIL 4 bygger på essensen av beste praksis som ITIL tilbyr når det gjelder tjenesteleveranser (Service management). ITIL 4 gir oss en praktisk og fleksibel tilnærming når vi nå flytter våre tjenester til den nye digitale verden.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Change Enablement. This module helps to maximise the number of successful service and product changes by ensuring that risks have been accurately assessed, authorizing changes to proceed, and managing the change schedule.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Incident Management. This module covers general information and the processes and activities of the incident management practice and their roles in the service value chain.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Practitioner: IT Asset Management. The ITIL 4 Practitioner: IT Asset Management is intended for IT professionals who want to prove and validate their skills in this specific practice area.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Monitoring and Event Management. This module provides guidance on how to systematically observe services and service components, and record, report and respond to selected changes of state identified as events.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Problem Management. This module provides practical guidance on the processes and activities of the Problem Management practice and their roles in the service value chain.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® Practitioner: Service Configuration Management. This module ensures that accurate and reliable information about the configuration of services and the configuration items that support them is available when and where needed.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Service Desk. This module helps to significantly influence user experience, customer experience, and the overall success of service relationships.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Specialist Collaborate, Assure and Improve. This combined practice module covers the key concepts of five ITIL practices, namely, Relationship Management, Supplier Management, Service Level Management, Continual Improvement and Information Security Management.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® 4 Specialist: Plan, Implement and Control. This combined practice module covers the key concepts of five ITIL practices, namely, Change Enablement, Deployment Management, Release Management, Service Configuration Management and IT Asset Management.
We offer virtual course about ITIL Leader Digital and IT Strategy. This course will focus on the alignment of digital business strategy with IT strategy. The course also covers how disruption from new technologies are impacting organizations in every industry and how business leaders are responding.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® Specialist - Create, Deliver & Support. The module is part of the Managing Professional stream for ITIL 4 and participants need to pass the related certification exam for working towards the Managing Professional (MP) designation.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® Specialist - Drive Stakeholder Value. The certification is relevant to everyone in a supplier facing role. This means those managing one or more suppliers, and working with suppliers in providing a single integrated service management organization.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® Specialist - High Velocity IT. The High Velocity IT Specialist Certification is relevant to everyone working in Agile and DevOps Teams focusing on the rapid delivery of IT solutions.
We provide virtual course about ITIL® Strategist - Direct, Plan and Improve. The ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve course is based on the ITIL® 4 Strategist Direct, Plan, and Improve candidate syllabus from AXELOS.
We provide virtual course about ITIL®4 Practitioner: Service Request Management. This module provides understanding and application of the key concepts, principles, value and challenges of the Service Request Management practice.
We provide virtual course about JSM Project Admin (Cloud). Clearvision´s Jira Service Management Project Administration training course provides a deeper understanding of JSM Project Administration.
We provide virtual course about Kubernetes. Kubernetes´ architecture brings the first real way of operating docker containers in production. This solution was first developed by Google, and TCP Cloud was the world´s first real-world testing enterprise deployment experience.
We provide virtual course about Kubernetes & Kubernetes Advanced Combined. Kubernetes has evolved over the years into a comprehensive solution for container orchestration with plenty of integration practices.
We provide virtual course about MasterClass: This training is not related to any specific certification. System Forensics and Incident Handling. Forensics and Incident Handling are constantly evolving and crucial topics in the area of cybersecurity.
We provide virtual course about MasterClass: Windows Security and Infrastructure Management with Windows Internals. This is a deep dive course on infrastructure services configuration, increasing their level of security and windows internals.
We provide virtual course about MCAST: Implementing Cisco Multicast. Implementing Cisco Multicast is a five-day instructor-led course designed to provide technical solutions for simple deployments of IP multicast within a provider or customer network.
We provide virtual course about Modern Angular with Signals (Hands-on). This course provides an interactive learning experience, enabling you to deepen your understanding and retention through hands-on exercises that transform passive learning into an engaging, active journey.
We provide virtual course about MPLS: Implementing Cisco MPLS. This course covers both introductory and advanced MPLS and MPLS VPNs concepts. Configuration, implementation and troubleshooting skills are all included with a significant focus on the use of labs to consolidate the learners knowledge.
We provide virtual course about MS-102: Microsoft 365 Administrator. This course covers the following key elements of Microsoft 365 administration: Microsoft 365 tenant management, Microsoft 365 identity synchronization, and Microsoft 365 security and compliance.
We provide virtual course about NIS 2 Directive Foundation. The NIS 2 Directive Foundation training course outlines the essential insights necessary for understanding the requirements of NIS 2 Directive regarding cybersecurity measures.
The Certified NIS 2 Directive Lead Implementer training course enables participants to gain the necessary competencies to support organizations in effectively planning, implementing, managing, monitoring, and maintaining a cybersecurity program that meets the requirements of the NIS2 Directive.
We provide virtual course about NSO201: NSO Essentials for Programmers and Network Architects. The Cisco NSO Essentials for Programmers and Network Architects course introduces you to Cisco® Network Services Orchestrator (NSO).
We provide virtual course about NSO303: Cisco NSO Administration and DevOps 4.0. You will learn how to set up, configure, deploy, and maintain a Cisco Network Services Orchestrator solution, and learn best practices for using DevOps.
We provide virtual course about PECB Certified Lead Cybersecurity Manager. The Lead Cybersecurity Manager training course enables participants to obtain the necessary competencies to effectively implement, manage, and continually improve a cybersecurity program.
We provide virtual course about Planning and Designing Databases on AWS in english. In this course, you will learn about planning and designing your solutions with purpose-built Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud databases.
Vi tilbyr virtuelt kurs om problemløsning basert på Kepner Tregoe. Dette 2-dagers Kepner-Tregoe kurset gir en introduksjon til en systematisk prosess for problemløsning, slik at du blir i stand til å levere et høyt kvalitetsnivå og konsistens i kundestøtten.
We provide virtual course about SAUI: Implementing Automation for Cisco Security Solution. The Implementing Automation for Cisco Security Solutions (SAUI) course teaches you how to design advanced automated security solutions for your network.
We provide virtual course about SC-100: Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect. The SC-100 course will lead towards the first expert level certification in the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity portfolio.
We provide virtual course about SC-200: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst. Learn how to investigate, respond to, and hunt for threats using Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Azure Defender, and Microsoft 365 Defender.