Her finner du kurs innen padling og vannsport, dvs innen de fleste aktiviteter i vannet som ikke forutsetter bruk av motor. Eksemplevis dykking, kajakk, kiting, rafting, surfing, vannski osv. Kursene er både for nybegynnere og erfarne utøvere.
Are you ready for a very special mix of a winter adventures in Lofoten? A combination of wind, water and snow, on our three favourite activities in Lofoten in winter? Surf, Ski & Sail is not for everyone, and the point is to bring together those who want these activities when visiting Lofoten!
The desire for adventure is genetically coded into us humans. Now is your chance to follow in the footsteps of the adventurous Vikings to expand your horizons. On an unforgettable voyage among the islands of the North Atlantic: Iceland – Faroe Islands – Scotland.
Right across the North Sea, west of our Norwegian west coast, we find a sailing paradise waiting to be discovered. Since more than 1000 years ago, our Norse ancestors have had close ties to and at times ruled over the archipelagos in the west.
Learn to surf in Marokko. Depending on your needs you can join a beginners group course or individual instructions from a local teacher. Local surf schools hire experienced instructors who know how to teach effectively all levels.
Kajakktur i varmere strøk? Jeg holder kajakktur i Kroatia i samarbeid med Escape Travels 3.-10.september. Noen få ledige plasser igjen!