This course for Safety Reps , «verneombud», is an alternative to the 40 hours training suggested by the authorities. (Verneombudskurs på engelsk). The course is online e-learning. Easy, quick and cheap HSE course with valid HSE certificate awarded immediately upon payment.
HSE Course for Safety Representatives
The Working Environment Act § 6-5 state that it is the employers responsibility to ensure that the Safety representatives (Verneombud) receive appropriate training in order to perform their tasks according to the requirements. The employer is liable for all costs regarding training.
This course will give a basic introduction to the laws and is based on The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authorities (Arbeidstilsynet) guidelines Safety Representatives.
The HSE course is perfect for small and medium businesses with limited risk profile.
The course take 1-4 hours to complete.
Course will cover:
• Roles in the work environment
• Laws and regulations
• Safety representatives work in practice
• Systematic HSE work
• Sick leave work
• Workplace / Physical work environment
• Psychosocial work environment
No signup required, course can be started any time.
Målgruppe for kurset:
Verneombud, HSE Reps.
Only online material.
HSE certificate
Uttalelse fra fornøyd kursdeltaker:
Kjempe bra kundeservice. Supert internkontroll system
-Mai K Brandshaug