Introduction to Rust - online

Kursarrangør: Programutvikling AS
Sted: Nettkurs / Nettstudie
Hele landet
Type:Nettkurs og nettstudie
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: Ta kontakt for informasjon
Varighet: 2 days

We provide online course with introduction to Rust. Rust is a systems language designed to prevent some of the pitfalls encountered in other languages. In this 2 day workshop, we will guide you through the fundamentals of the Rust language..

Rust is a language originally made by Mozilla for use in browsers. It features both a powerful type system which makes writing abstractions easy, and the borrow checker which gives the compiler the ability to guarantee memory safety. When you have an error in your code, the Rust compiler will typically pinpoint its exact location with a helpful diagnostic.

Rust is becoming extremely popular among programmers, and was voted the most loved programming language in the 2020 StackOverflow survey. It is quickly gaining recognition as a preferred language across industries, with Amazon, Microsoft and Google as notable examples. However, Rust is also known for its steep learning curve. This workshop will provide you with a path to understanding Rust and obtaining intermediate proficiency.

Workshop agenda:
• Project structure and the Cargo package manager
• Basic code structure
• Data types (Algebraic data types, Struct, Enum)
• Pattern matching, functional programming aspects
• Move semantics, the borrow checker
• Traits
• Exercises, including Rust for embedded systems

Speaker: Hans Elias B Josephsen, Architectural Engineer, Speaker

Hans is a programmer and speaker with an interest in everything from electronic engineering to compiler development. He regularly speaks at conferences about his Rust and Elixir work, and has been involved in the Rust community since 2015. He is a regular contributor to variety of open source Rust projects.

Target audience:
Anyone who wants online course with introduction to Rust

Computer setup:
We recommend installing rust on your system ahead of the workshop: