IPC/WHMA-A-620 CIT Certified IPC Trainer - bedriftsinternt

Kursarrangør: Betek Consult AS
Sted: Hele landet, Vi kommer til din bedrift
Type:Bedriftsinternt / Større grupper
Undervisningstid: Ta kontakt for avtale
Varighet: 4 dager

Vi tilbyr kurs i IPC/WHMA-A-620 CIT Certified IPC Trainer for bedrifter. Våre kurs er praktisk rettede kurs for elektronikkbransjen. Vi stiller med kvalifiserte instruktører og alt nødvendig kursmateriell og verktøy på alle kurs.

• Program Structure and how to use the Training Program
• The subjects listed below will also be part of the training and examination
• Introduction, policy, wire-preparation & testing
• Crimp & IDC
• Soldered terminations
• Connectorization, molding & potting
• Splices
• Labeling, bundle securing & shielding
• Coaxial & twinaxial connections
• Ultra sonic welding
• Wire wrap
• Program Policies and CIT Responsibilities
• Final Examination

Certificate After passing the final examination, IPC Certificate will be issued, and the
training materials will be handed out. The Certificate is valid for 2 years.

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