Fagskole - Music Business

Kursarrangør: Høyskolen Kristiania
Sted: Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Kirkegata 24, 0153 Oslo (kart)
Type:Studie / yrkesutdanning (60 studiepoeng)
Undervisningstid: Oppstart august - søknadsfrist 20. april
Varighet: 1 år
Pris: 55.400 pr semester

Vi tilbyr fagskolestudie i music business. This program gives you a rock-solid foundation enabling you to forge a meaningful and successful career in the international music industry.

Throughout this course you will learn about the main branches of the Nordics and global music industries and how each of these branches are interconnected. Note that the education is in English. This means that you will be equipped to work in an international industry rich in opportunities. Theoretical teaching is combined with “up-to-the-minute” practical assignments, as well as the operation of student-run independent record labels.

The interaction with the music industry is week-to-week where you will meet veterans with many years of experience, plus those people who have begun to carve a career for themselves, showing you the supply chain at every level thus giving you the tools you need to achieve success. Overall, the program gives you the skills you need to start a career in the music business.

What you will learn:
The program offers practically targeted teaching in an industry-wide learning environment. Divided into eight different themes, the focus is on record companies, music publishing, artist management, entrepreneurship, music industry contract law and agreements, promotion, booking, planning small to large scale tours and the creation of bespoke events.

During your study time, we will focus on topics that include:
• Record Labels
• Music Publishing
• Artist Management
• Entrepreneurship
• Music Industry Contracts and Agreements
• Promotion, Public Relations (P.R.), & Marketing
• Tour planning & bespoke events

Students will also set up and run their own independent record labels, with guidance from industry professionals throughout the theme "Applied Working Practice" which runs for the entire program. This element serves to underpin the theoretical teaching of the core themes. The course, through practical approach and understanding of the interaction between the various branches in the music industry, places special emphasis on developing skills that will shape you into the music industry practitioner of tomorrow. During the course, students will have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience at both by:Larm and Bergenfest.

1. semester - Music Business: Core Structures (FMB1100)
2. semester - Music Business in Practice (FMB1200)

Kontakt med bransje og næringsliv har alltid vært en viktig forutsetning både for å sikre at studentene får en så praktisk relatert undervisning som mulig, men også for å sikre at utdanningen til enhver tid er oppdatert etter bransjens behov. Gjennom utdanningen vil du bidra i driften av et studentdrevet plateselskap, utføre oppdrag for kunder og være tett på moderne musikkbransje gjennom både timelærere og gjester, oppdragsgivere og bedriftsbesøk. Denne nærheten til bransjen vil gjøre det enklere for studentene å knytte kontakter og bygge nettverk i arbeidslivet. Undervisningsformen varieres mellom prosjekter, veiledning, forelesninger, presentasjoner, workshops, m.m.

Målgruppe for kurset:
Alle som ønsker fagskolestudie i music business

• Kurset foregår på engelsk

For å bli tatt opp som student på fagskolestudier må du oppfylle ett av følgende opptakskrav:
• Generell studiekompetanse
• Fullført og bestått videregående opplæring
• Fagbrev / svennebrev
Realkompetanse for fagskole:
• Minimum 23 år i løpet av opptaksåret
• Dokumentere 3 års fulltids arbeidserfaring, herunder regnes lønnet / ulønnet arbeid, verneplikt, folkehøyskole og frivillig arbeid / tjeneste.
• Arbeidsattester må inneholde start og sluttdato samt stillingsprosent / timeantall
• Dokumentere engelskkunnskaper fra videregående skole, TOEFL, eller IELTS

I tillegg til studiespesifikt utstyr og pensumlitteratur anbefales det å ha en relativt ny datamaskin som du kan jobbe på hjemmefra (enten PC eller en MAC).

Studiet kvalifiserer for støtte hos Lånekassen

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